
Adverserial Validation is a simple technique that helps distinguish the difference in the train and the test data. In this kernel, I show how to do AV with a simple example. It involves the following steps:

  1. Concat the train and the test data set.
  2. Append a new column “is_test”.
  3. Split data into training and validation.
  4. Train model and get AUC score on istest==1 for the validating set.

AV can identify out-of-domain data


In the image above, the circles (blue) denote training data. The blue line denotes the line fit. Red line denotes an overfit line. Different colored stars (blue, green, red, yellow) denote different types of test data. Y is the dependent variable and X is the independent variable. The dotted blue line indicates the predicted value in case the data lies beyond the training bounds.

The three regions marked in “big bubbles” are where there is no training data and hence these are out-of-domain data regions. We simply get a very high AUC score (AUC=1) from AV for these (red, green and yellow stars). In this kernel it is checked with an example that the “big bubbles” in the image above have AV AUC=1.

AV AUC=1 and how they affect test predictions

When the test set is denoted by the green stars, it is clear that the resulting test score is going to be “bad”. However, when the test set is denoted by the yellow stars, error in predicting seems to be less in comparison (despite having AV AUC=1). When the test set is denoted by the red stars the error doesn’t seem to be that bad either AV AUC=1.

From the beginning to the end for this competition, I had >0.9 AUC, and nevertheless ended up with very good results (0.953–>top 10%). In addition the OOF score (from training) was less than the TEST score informing that the OUT-OF-DOMAIN data was not the problem for the score. I am thus inclined to think that in my case I probably end up with test data which are out of domain like the red and yellow stars and not like the green stars.

How AV is used in the Fraud Detection kaggle competition

  1. Identify and Remove time columns like TransactionID and TransactionDT

    When AV is first run on this dataset, two columns standout: TransactionDT and TransactionID. One is the time info in seconds and the other is the id of each transaction. Ideally we don’t want to be using such time columns as we don’t want the model to learn anything specific to the Date or the ID of transactions. AV provides a platform to identify such variables and eventually we can get rid of them.

  2. Removing very different columns for negligible score loss.

    In one of the iterations I had 203 columns with an lb score of 0.953. Removing 20 of the most important AV columns resulted in a small decrease in score 0.9511. I always try to see how the “out of domain” data affects our result.

  3. AV helps find aggregations that we need

    This is and will be the greatest reason for doing AV. AV is so powerful that improving my score from top 80% to a top 10% score was done purely by looking at the important AV columns.

    I pretty much used the first 10-20 important AV columns (and a few columns on my own) to determine which columns to choose as UID and which to aggregate over.

  4. Find mistakes with your AV

    I applied aggregation to the training dataset and accidentally did not apply it to the test. This was promptly visible in the AV as the aggregated columns showed up first in the “AV important columns”. A quick look at the top AV important columns and I found my error.

    For example, in one of the experiments I got the following:

      train OOF test (public)
    AUC 0.9971 0.9426 0.9043

    From this it is possible to infer that there is both overfitting (train»OOF) and Out of Domain issue (OOF»test). Using AV, I was able to find out which columns were giving me the problem. When I probed in deeper into the columns, it turned out that I had accidentally added NaN’s to the test data.

    Once I corrected for it, I ended up with:

      train OOF test (public)
    AUC 0.998 0.9474 0.9530


  1. Fastai tabular NN
  2. Data description
  3. Plots and much more for many features